Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Meaning Of Gold

Owning golds, it's conjure different meaning to different people. some owned it for security, some for it's intrinsic values and etc.

The Meaning Of Gold it's a great article written sometimes back, it's to reminds us the really truly reasons of having golds bullion in our possessions.

"The most important meaning of gold in human life is this: integrity, safety, and well-being.
Gold is, for all practical purposes, eternal. Gold is wealth in direct form that cannot be defaulted on. Gold-as-money replaces the scams of money-changers and of central banks with direct and honest value by weight. When used as money, the dollar value of gold is, by definition, unchanging, and the money thus has integrity. Because gold cannot be printed up or other wise dramatically and constantly increased in supply, price inflation is typically zero or less under a gold standard (as was true in America from the late 1700s through the early 1900s); your savings are thus safe in a way they can never be when central banks are at work inflating a fiat money supply. Even that most dangerous and violent of institutions, coercive government, is restrained and forced into a semblance of honesty by a functioning gold standard
." Except from The Meaning Of Gold.

Golds can't be printed like the Fed's printing machine! Chances to create money "out of thin air" vaporised by gold. To mine an ounce of gold cost USD869 but to print a hundred dollar Uncle Sam bill cost less then 5 cent!
No government on earth can "create/print gold" out of thin air, long term prospects gold it's still the standard bearer in this uncertain times.

Well as for fiat money it's have been weighted, measured and found wanting.............. Buy Gold!

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